Our Classes
Fee Schedule
Dress Code
Baby Ballet
Age 2
Dance alongside your child while learning basic ballet steps and working on gross motor moves using props to guide exercises.
Preschool Ballet
Age 3
Creative movement, rhythm games, action songs and an introduction to ballet with our friend Sparkle Bear.
Kinder Ballet
Age 4
A step up from the preschool program that will further your child's knowledge of basic ballet involving props, rhythm games, actions songs and more.
Tap / Ballet / Jazz Combo
Ages 5 & 6
A combination class introducing your child to ballet, jazz and tap including creative dance with props.
Students learn tap technique for the first half hour of the class and then alternate each week learning either ballet or jazz technique.
Mini Boppers (Hip Hop)
Ages 4-6
Find your rhythm and groove in this introductory hip hop class.
Ages 3 +
Fusion of dance technique and acrobatic elements. The class includes exercises involving balancing, tumbling and partnering based in flexibility and strength.
Email info@industriadancecentre.com if you have questions regarding class information and placement.